Program Outline


Spring 2025 | March 19th to April 16th | Wednesday Evenings | Port Perry Hospital $350

  • Basic Training

    Week one

    We talk pregnancy, the importance of letting labor begin on its own, early labor, comfort measures you can take at home, breath and relaxation techniques.

  • Help yourself & enlist others

    Week two

    All things active labor and how you may feel, importance of walking, moving around and positional changes throughout labor, implementing and importance of birthing partner/support person. Importance of hydration, nutrition, relaxation. We also touch on several pain relief options- narcotics, nitrous oxide, water injections, heat therapy, TENS machines, epidurals etc.

  • Keep calm & carry on

    Week three

    Transitional labor and pushing- how might I feel? Positions for pushing? Perineal massage and what if I need perineal repair? Delivery! “The Golden Hour”.

  • Special ops & complementary therapy

    Week four

    Aromatherapy, visualization, music, hypnotherapy, massage. What to expect if I need an induction, Caesarean section or any other interventions.

  • Taking care of your new recruit

    Week five

    Feeding your baby (breastfeeding and formula feeding), baby care, self/mother care, maternal mental health, pelvic floor health, infant sleep, newborn behaviour, keeping mother and baby together and why it's best for mother, baby and breastfeeding.

“Being blindsided or sugar-coated makes you vulnerable. Being fully informed means you can ensure you have a positive experience, whatever happens.”